Navigating Remote Work with Children in the House:
A Helpful Guide for Parents

Remote Work with Child

In today’s environment, an increasing number of parents are embracing the work-from-home model. Balancing professional responsibilities while being close to your children is a unique advantage. However, the challenge arises when you need to focus on work tasks with young ones nearby. At the IHSS Connect we’re committed to supporting families with additional childcare needs, and we’ve compiled some strategies to help you manage work while showing love to your kids.

Children Come First

Despite the demands of work, it’s vital to remember that your children are your top priority. Establish a daily routine that includes specific times to disengage from work. Set a time to shut down your computer and put aside your work phone. Use this time to connect with your children, such as sharing a meal, assisting with their schoolwork, or reading a bedtime story.

Incorporate your children into your day by involving them in simple household tasks. Use your breaks to engage in outdoor activities or play games that they enjoy.

Consider a Career Change for Better Work-Life Balance

With the current trend of remote working, some jobs may still demand extensive time, making it difficult to spend quality time with family. If your current role is too taxing, think about seeking employment elsewhere.

Updating your resume and curriculum vitae is crucial in this process. Ensure your CV includes your educational background, skills, and past achievements. A well-crafted CV is key to making a strong impression. Utilize free online CV builders with a variety of templates to create a professional document. Once refined, you’re ready to begin your job hunt.

Seek Support from Loved Ones

Work schedules can be erratic. For days when you anticipate a heavier workload, reach out to family and friends for childcare support. Offering to reciprocate the favor can strengthen these support networks.

Hiring a babysitter for a few hours can significantly boost your productivity. Alternatively, schedule important meetings during your child’s nap times to minimize interruptions.

Organize Your Living and Working Space

A fundamental step towards effective remote working is decluttering your home and workspace. An organized environment aids in maintaining focus and efficiency at work. Clearing the floors and ensuring everything has its place reduces the risk of accidents and saves cleanup time post-work.

By strategically managing your work schedule around your child’s routine, exploring new job opportunities with a well-prepared resume, and prioritizing your children, you can create a harmonious work-life balance.

If you live in California and have a child with impairments and want to learn more about becoming a paid provider, contact California Advocacy Group, for more information. Just the same, if you have a child that’s been incorrectly denied IHSS services, California Advocacy Group can help you successfully appeal. For more information, visit

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